- Schoology - NEW!
- Log in using your Google credentials (username and password)
- Schoology Support - Schoology Student Guide
- Additional Resources will be available by August 1st
- Schoology Status
- ClassLink
- Log in using your ClassLink/Windows/Active Directory credentials (username and password)
- Once logged in you may setup your ClassLink profile to log in with Google.
- If you change your username or password, you MUST log in 1 time with username and password or applications may not work properly.
- Setup MyFiles to access your Google Drive and/or Office 365 OneDrive from ClassLink.
- Log in using your ClassLink/Windows/Active Directory credentials (username and password)
- Clever
- Log in using your Google credentials (username and password)
- Log in using your Google credentials (username and password)
- Google Workspace
- Log in using your Google credentials (username and password)
- Google Apps and Resources
- Microsoft Office 365
- Login using your Microsoft 365 Credentials
- Your active account entitles you to install the full Microsoft Office on a personal device
- Microsoft 365 apps and resources
Student Application Links
- PaperCut
- Login using your Active Directory/ClassLink Credentials
- Determine if a document sent to a printer printer and if not why.
- Monitor Printing Balance
- Policies
- Local network only
- Each student is allowed $5 per year. Student need to pay for additional pages in the office.
- Printing Costs - B/W $0.01 per page, Color $0.10 per page
- Printing Restrictions - B/W 10 pages per print job, Color 2 pages per print job
- Final Forms
- Use your school email to login and activate your account
- If you are having issues logging in, please contact the tech staff for assistance.
- PowerSchool Web Portal
- PowerSchool Mobile App Setup Help
School Code = QHHZ
Curriculum Links
- Program Link
- For issues logging in, please contact Mrs. Thorp
Other Links/Resources
- SmartPass
- Khan Academy
Sora/Overdrive(use ClassLink Username and Password)